Monday, March 31, 2014


There is one hour amongst the 168 hours found in a week that is unlike another hour.  One that seems to last an eternity.. One that is so quietist is almost drives one mad.

I am referring to the first hour after I have returned my 3 precious monsters to their mother and my 52 hours with them comes to an end and my 116 hours without the begins.

As I walk back through my front door, greeted by the ghosts of laughter and cheer, everything I see is a snapshot of the moments spent with my boys.  It all stings so brutally yet I smile through it all because I know without these moments... I would have nothing.

   I live in a constant reminder of the 3 little smiles that hold my heart.. And as much as it kills me when I see that toy plane laying on the floor and all the memories of it come flooding back like a tidal wave... It's those same memories that keep me going. Keep me pushing through the next 5 days until those 3 smiles come crashing through that door and create more memories that will hold me..
Haunt me ...
keep me going ...

It's beyond comprehension how something that hurts so much can be a saving life force...

This is the video that has inspired me to capture the images left around my place during that first hour of silence...  Images of a weekend of memories.. Images of a bond that nothing in this world can break...


And no one...

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